Monday, June 13, 2011


Yesterday I went into some of the factors determining how the Model for IndieFilmFinanceV2011.1 may be set.  If you were taking notes you probably recognized that these are the factors, but I thought it was worth jotting them down for our cheat sheets:
  1. Price point / negative cost below $5M;
  2. “Estimated” Foreign Value at 80% or higher  of negative costs;
  3. Track record of collaborators in US Acquisition market to project 25% of negative costs;
  4. Utilization of Soft Money/Tax Benefits as revenue — not enhancement;
  5. Manufacture desire: inject freshness & an ability to cut through the noise;
  6. Predetermined & Accessible Audience;
  7. Aura Of Inevitability= Polished Script+Show Reel or Look Book + _________?
  8. Urgency of the deal;
  9. Something old (proven genre)
  10. Something new (fresh scent).
What does this all add up to?  Is there a formula we can use?  I think so. Why don’t we just get to that tomorrow?

"The play's the thing wherein I'll catch the conscience of the king."


Tribe said...

In this information age, is there such a thing as a single "model" anyone could follow to ensure success?
I keep hearing "make it good," though there are many examples of fabulous films that don't get seen. And others, less so, that catch a viral wave and ride it on to their investor's glee.
It seems that paying attention to foreign distribution, keeping costs low and making a film that doesn't look like it should have been made for more money really helps. But can anyone say there is some combination of factors that amounts to a silver bullet? I am wary of anything so prescriptive.
It's too subjective a product we're producing, no?

Anonymous said...

That's funny. I was thinking almost the same thing, "What if one did the exact opposite from each of these 10 factors?"