Saturday, April 12, 2008


To the Director: How would you analyze this performance? To be answered with specifics and meaning.

Who is this character?

What has happened to make this scene happen?

What is the character's profession?

What is the character's class?

What is the character's social situation?

What is the nature of the character's relationship to the other persons in the scene? (What do they mean to the character?)

What are the character's needs, personal values (also religious, economic, political), the character's deep desires?

What does the character want to avoid?

What does the character fear to lose?

What is the character's family life?

What is the character's financial situation?

What does the character do for fun?

What is the character's social life?

Who is the character like?

Who else is on the character's side?

Who does the character remind you of?

What is the character's "association" ? As in, the "association" of all those who?

What Archetype does the character represent? For example: "the Messenger", "the Spurned Wife", "Hera".

What is the character's "world view" their own particular way of seeing the world? As in, "I only deserve the best!"

What is the character's consistent behavior pattern in life?

If "Drama is two dogs fighting over a bone" - Elia Kazan, what's the "bone" of this scene.

What does the character want

What is the character's urgency in getting what she wants. What's the time limit.

What to do with all of this information?

What is the character literally dong?

What is the nature of the action, in this scene?
For example: "To expose a fraud."

What is the action like to me? It's as if . . . ?

"The play's the thing wherein I'll catch the conscience of the king."

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