From the last recorded interview with Sidney Pollack from "char•ac•ter" produced and directed by Drago Sumonja.
Greetings everyone,
Not long ago I posted about the documentary "char•ac•ter"
Today, a very well regarded, highly respected, and fine actor colleague friend of mine sent me this email note after I recommended and he watched the movie documentary "char•ac•ter". He wrote:
"The film is wonderful, especially the supplemental footage.It would take volumes . . . to really get into it, but the questions raised
Tell me, Pollack was fascinating about the "Independent Activity."
Care to elucidate?"
by Pollack's segment about the "Independent Activity" reverberate through Mamet's notorious "MASTER CLASS MEMO"
Which is to say that the "Independent Activity" impacts writing, directly, and acting in a most powerful way. It's a technical term and approach to expressing, finding and portraying the inner life of a character at all phases of the creative process.
It's actually a lot more than that too . . .
Sometimes questions are better than answers.
Good morning,
Note: The only issue I take with this otherwise extraordinary and essential documentary "char•ac•ter" is that it's devoid of a feminine perspective on the subject of acting and directing. This thus opens the door for that doc, that has yet to be made.
"The play's the thing wherein I'll catch the conscience of the king."
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